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Sponsoring Partner OPPORTUNITIES

Our members find solutions to their most pressing HR quandaries with help from industry experts, such as sponsors. Sponsors are not only solution providers, but they are also valued WATRA members. Sponsors support our mission and objectives by providing intellectual and financial resources to enhance our initiatives.

Gold Sponsoring Partners receive:

Prominent logo placement on our website (includes hyperlink to sponsor's website)

Acknowledgement in opening remarks and prominent logo placement in presentation slides

at all programming and events

First right of consideration for programming (note - programming must meet certification requirements and 

not be a sales pitch for the company; presentation slides must be approved by the Board)

Opportunity to share marketing materials at in-person events

Three (3) targeted e-blasts (email & LinkedIn) to the membership

about sponsor's products, services, or events

WorldatWork discounts

WorldatWork & SHRM/HRCI recertification credits 

Three (3) individual WATRA memberships

Cost of 12 Months Gold Sponsorship:

$1500 (USD)


  • Silver Sponsoring Partners receive:

Prominent logo placement on our website (includes hyperlink to sponsor's website)

Acknowledgement in opening remarks and prominent logo placement in presentation slides

at all programming and events

One (1) targeted e-blast (email & LinkedIn) to the membership

about sponsor's products, services, or events

WorldatWork discounts

WorldatWork & SHRM/HRCI recertification credits 

One (1) individual WATRA membership

Cost of 12 Months Silver Sponsorship:

$750 (USD)

Join as a Sponsoring Partner

To join as a sponsoring partner, click the link above, select your preferred sponsor level "Gold Sponsoring Partner" or "Silver Sponsoring Partner" as membership type and complete the application. You will be asked to pay by credit card or you may request an invoice at the end of the application. Once completed, please email a high resolution image of your desired logo to

Please contact us at if you have any questions about the partner program or would simply like to learn more about becoming a sponsoring partner.


P.O. Box 4313

Arlington, VA  22204

© 2022 Washington Area Total Rewards Association

All Rights Reserved